how to use long tail keywords and find low competition keywords free
This is a site which has no use to wait for the home page to send thousands of visitors to the load. That's just the effort goes waste and do not have any good for your business, do not mention all the visitors disappointed you. In essence, we want to find the least competitive keywords with the greatest number of most relevant searches for our website.
It's better to get a top ranking for more keywords with posts or fewer searches for a very popular search term, which is the better route. "We are asked this question many times - it depends entirely on the subject of your website and how many different search terms visitors can use to get the same information. Some sites have thousands of different ways In a question can be described, while many other well-targeted words that will be best suited can be at least a dozen.
If you are just starting out, it will definitely be for your benefit to target less competition conditions. After success with less competition conditions, higher search volume will lead to increased confidence targeted more competitive conditions. In this lesson we also introduce you to a new SEO called "long tail keywords" in less competitive goal phrases, but is very well targeted to your site.
Thinking like my customers: Thinking like your customers made easier than it is said. The part of this problem is actually that you are the owner of the website. You know your business and market well too. Industry jargons and cant are in their every day language. No wonder when you start your keyword research you have to focus a very narrow keyword. You become your biggest enemy in search of other ideas.
Here's an example: When people find their site to get high place on search engines, they can look for "web rankings" from anything, "web rankings" or even web traffic. The last thing on their brains can be "SEO software, but maybe we are being targeted for" SEO Software "on our business bet for the best keywords for our site. Here's an example: What is the most popular The search term is "cheap flights," "cheap seats," "low fares" or "discount rentals"? As you can see, picking the best keywords is not that simple, is it?
The most difficult part of keyword research is to keep a mind open about all possible search methods people may use to look for the same thing. Keyword research is part of science, part, intuition and imagination. Since we can not get your site in the head of every possible possible visitor who might be interested in your products or services, we rely on keyword research tools to tell us what people actually search for and how often is. There are a handful of very powerful keyword research tools which are worth using, but the amount of information you have is boggling my mind to them.
For proven keywords and to see your competitor's website is a great resource. We are using your targeted keywords to find the highest ranking competitors on search engines. Once you find the top 5-10 competitive sites, do a quick review of your keywords on web pages. This can be a long and slow process, but fortunately the Studio SEO Keyword Analyzer tool can dig up keywords from your competitor sites in a photo. We cover detail in how Keyword Analyzer can be used to add hundreds of keywords to your keyword research project.
Keyword research is like a job interview process: In order to find the right candidate you may need to interview hundreds of applicants to find the right fit for the job. Well, the keyword research process is very similar, you have to capture a broad trap for all possible combinations of keywords known for the man to capture. Still, it's almost certain you'll discover the new keywords you remember in original research only a few weeks ago. What it tells us is that the keyword selection and refinement process never ends or should not end at least, unless you are happy with the number of visitors you are receiving for your site.
Where and How to Look for Keywords: In order to find the best keywords for our website we need to collect information from a variety of resources. Some of these resources may include:
Brainstorming: Your brain is on a magical carpet ride to go to the best ways to find relevant keywords for your website. Not a compromise to ask a clear question, what do you sell on my website? Ask questions like: Is this product made? "Or" Who is using my services? "Or" what problem do my products solve?
Paid Keyword Research Tool: These include Wordtracker, Keyword Discovery, Keyword Analyzer, and Wordze. They give you important keyword popularity data that is necessary for any keyword research. . All of these are very powerful keyword research tools, but they can be very expensive unless you do keyword research for a number of websites and you get paid for work. We will recommend free Wordtracker, and free version of the free keyword search tool before trying to put down some serious money for your paid version. If you decide to sign up for the paid version, then you will most likely need more than a month long membership. Finding the main and secondary keyword phrases should also take less than a month for 2 or 3 websites. This does not mean that your keyword research has ended forever, but the 4-5 word secondary key phrase can be found with a free keyword research tool if your budget is tight.
Free keyword research tools: You can gain access to powerful and free Google External Keyword Tool to expand your keyword list. Unfortunately Google External Keyword Tool provides a search volume indicator rather than the number of actual searches. Google is another very valuable feature "site related keyword" finder in the external keyword tool. Just by entering the website URL of your competitors, you can find out the second keyword which they target in their web pages. Another free keyword research tool is an available Overture keyword list without creating an account. As of now, this tool only shows the January 2007 search volume as it has been phased out going out, but Yahoo has promised a replacement. If you have a Yahoo Search Marketing account you can still get access to your keyword tool even though the search volume number is not.
Use pay-per-click advertising (PPC): It looks good to you and helps you choose the keywords based on clicks through the best performance rate (CTR) and conversion rate. This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to choose relevant keywords since your target audience is already casting your vote in click forms for your site. With PPC it is a very effective and low cost of testing new keywords to validate new keywords before adding them to your web page.
Ask your friends and colleagues: Although you may be expert in your field and be able to fully describe your products and services, you also have a narrow focus when it comes to the best keywords for your website It may come to choose. People who know very little about their business can give important clues as to how they will look for their products or services.
Related search term suggestion tool: One of the fastest ways you can find hundreds of related keywords is to use a fund or dictionary online tool. Creating a large initial keyword list that includes a large number of synonyms and acronyms is essential for effective keyword research. The meaning of the related phrases that are not just plagued with the original keyword term is the cornerstone of latent indexing. Semantic indexing can be described as well as the meaning of the words, grouping of documents not directly related to related words, but based on the relation. For example, a computer shopper "Apple" is expected to see Apple Computer in the results to type in the Google search box, but some fruits are interested in finding information on apple, information about different varieties of apples and apple growers Hope to get it This latent meaning indexing helps to connect documents to the right meaning of search results and it is supposed to be widely used by Google.
Some search engines provide a related search command list in their search results. You can get dozens of ideas from keyword groups with different combinations of keywords through the game. You can also visit a famous blog aggregator and social media tagging site to help open your mind and generate new keywords in Technorati. Enter a search term and follow the related tags "section directly under the search results.
Visitor Statistics Report: Web server can be generated from log files or from script based visitor statistics programs. It can help you uncover the new keywords by finding your websites for the search visitors to your website are typing in the search engines. In some cases, you will find the keywords you did not expect to come in search results for. You should research those keywords and expose new keyword niches.
Some search engines provide a related search command list in their search results. You can get dozens of ideas from keyword groups with different combinations of keywords through the game. You can also visit a famous blog aggregator and social media tagging site to help open your mind and generate new keywords in Technorati. Enter a search term and follow the related tags "section directly under the search results.
Visitor Statistics Report: Web server can be generated from log files or from script based visitor statistics programs. It can help you uncover the new keywords by finding your websites for the search visitors to your website are typing in the search engines. In some cases, you will find the keywords you did not expect to come in search results for. You should research those keywords and expose new keyword niches.
Regional keywords and dialects can increase visitors to their website by using keywords as geographical filters. In the English-speaking world of keywords, there may also be county variants from the country. For example, in North America, we can use the term "search engine optimization" but most web searchers will be used in Britain and Australia "search engine optimization"
Misspelled spelling, split and plural: You can give a crowd of additional keywords to target these keywords. The search engine is spelled correctly or divided into keywords in response to your query request, but maybe those people can not actually change the search for. For this reason, anything can focus on misspelled keywords or plural keyword variations, and bring a few hundred additional visitors every month to your website.
Site Search Engine: It can be a great source of new keywords and a potential data mining source. As well as analysis ahead of the average number of keywords, keyword length and other important keyword metrics.
Top-ranking competitors on spy: These websites are already well-optimized and contain keyword rich web pages. Why not take advantage of their efforts and crop the best keywords for your website? With the help of SEO Studio Keyword Analyzer you can extract hundreds of keywords from your Meta keywords and HTML page content in seconds. There are two other very powerful free online tools available to dig the keywords used by your competitors. The first one is A great tool that will help you enter the URL of your competitors and within seconds you will have hundreds of keywords in front of you with the Sorttra Wordtracker and Overture keyword popularity data. Other competition spy machine, which helps identify PPC competitors and keywords they use to advertise. SpyFu tells you which keywords each website buys and you can also track it's individual pages.
how to find long tail keywordsprofitable keywords with low competition for free
Choosing the best keyword takes the experience and know how small, but it is always useful to see how the professionals have to do this, here are some basic steps for selecting keywords.Using your favorite keyword research tool Wordtracker, Keyword Discovery or Keyword Analyzer, type in the main keyword phrase. Start with as much detailed search terms as possible, in this way there is less chance of missing missing keywords that might otherwise be overlooked.
Look for 2-4 word phrases that have a daily search volume of at least 200 or more. Since the top 3 sites will receive 60% -80% of all searches, it is such that you can expect at least 120 or more unique visitors for those keywords and phrases. In some cases, you may want to reduce the minimum search volume limit as low as if the search term is well targeted to your business.
At this point you should have at least 20-30 really good secondary keywords in your basket.
Hopefully the most of the keywords you choose is less competition. The keyword tool is recommended any of us will tell you the amount of competition for each keyword, but you can also manually verify these numbers by typing the search terms into the search engines with the quotes.
It is very important that you use the quotation marks around the keywords to know the engine you are looking for an exact match. The rule of thumb is that we use "100,000" websites to assess keyword competitiveness. Anything above a hundred thousand results is quite competitive and requires a fair amount of optimization and link building.
Google search results report for exact keyword phrase "second mortgage" on 1 million results
Grouping keywords
Managing and optimizing a large number of keywords is a difficult challenge and it requires logical mapping for specific web pages to group once our initial keyword research is completed.At least 5-10 "main keywords" of every website that can answer this question: "What about this website?" The rest of the keywords are called secondary keywords and those main keywords will have some changes that relate to whether lexically or directly derived from the main keywords.
Types of keywords:
Key keywords: These are usually a two words in length, and all other keywords are either stem directly from those people or lexically related to phrases, misspellings, or plural forms. Trying to get high ranking for these words, "loan", "real estate," lawyer "," DVD, "" cell phone "etc. would be a futile attempt, even though they are some of the main keywords and phrases Examples: The text for a website's title, body, and effective customization still needs to be inserted into many other potential HTML tags.Secondary keywords: These keywords are actually trying to get top rankings on search engines, so they require the most amount of research and filtering. Secondary search phrases are either stemming from the main context or are related in semantically singular and plural forms. Some good examples of secondary keyword phrases are: "Home Equity Loan Payment Loans Down Under Mobile Home", "Best Home Mortgage Refinance Loan Rate," "Sim Card Prepay Us," "International Sim Card."
Every keyword needs a keyword theme
When we think of a keyword topic, we should think about our target audience. We must clearly define your needs. This will help us come up with a much better keyword theme, if we only took paper and pencils and started to write down random keyword phrases instead ofLet's try this with a practical example. We are trying to establish a keyword theme for selling a website furniture with a location in New Jersey. Since this company sells large variety of furniture separately from the dining room furniture set in the living room, we need to come up with an overall theme as well and with specific keyword areas.
- Who is the target audience?
- What products or services do we offer to so that we can satisfy their needs?
- What are the most relevant keyword phrase goals?
- Kitchen furniture buyers
- Kitchen table, kitchen chairs, kitchen utensils, dining room set
- New Jersey Kitchen Furniture, New Jersey Kitchen Table,
- New Jersey kitchen chairs,
- New Jersey Dining Room Furniture
- Office furniture buyers
- Office desk, office chairs, computer desk
- New Jersey Office Desk,
- New jersey office chairs,
- New jersey computer desk
- Furniture Buyers in the Living Room
- Sofa, couches, recliners, loveseats
- Furniture in New Jersey living room,
- New jersey sofa,
- New jersey couches,
- New jersey loveseats
how to use long tail keywords while Creating a keyword themed website with keyword mapping
The biggest misconceptions about the keywords are related to their pages where they will be inserted. The most common question from the new web owner is: "Do I optimize my home page for 20-30 keywords?" There is no answer to this question. Many keywords also focus on the same page and weaken the effect of all keywords on the target page. That search engine will give a high ranking for those sites and pages that are related to the closest user's query. Also, to learn in lesson page customization, the title is limited in the size of the tag and it is physically impossible to fit into 60 to 70 characters limit for 20 keywords.Unless you have a page website that we do not recommend, you need to target 3-4 keywords per page. The home page should target the most popular key phrases, while the sub pages should target less competitive secondary keywords. Our fictional New Jersey Furniture Company displayed again to use. The home page will be adapted for the keyword "New Jersey furniture period and some other closely related key phrases. The rest of the pages will be broken into categories of different furniture types, like furniture in the office furniture, kitchen furniture, and living room.
For those of you who want to see how this website will visually be laid out after optimizing specific pages, please take a look at the examples below. Important principle to remember in organizing a site is to topically start with a glance at your target audience at a glance and make your keyword list based on their needs and their product offerings emphasizing its benefits.
The keyword optimization website is based on the theme "Furniture"
Long tail keywords
If you had the visitor's search engine, which would choose the scenario to be your own choice of traffic?One thousand visitors from a keyword?
Or Thousands of visitors from one thousand keywords?
If you can not decide easily, you are not alone. Seo community seems to be divided on this issue as well. It is difficult to decide the given fact that some very popular keywords can be targeted to bring your site visitors to thousands of days a day, but at the same time you face some very stiff competition May have to. The more popular one keyword phrase, the more optimization and the attempt to build the link is to achieve top rankings. So there is a trade off between choosing less competitive phrases with less traffic versus getting higher rankings for more popular keywords with higher difficulty levels.
Some SEOs prefer to target some very popular keywords to make the greatest bulk of their traffic while others many prefer to focus on low competition keywords for a nearly guaranteed top ranking. Apart from the SEOs of most SEOs, search engine optimization for long tail keywords is targeted because it is easy to recommend good ranks in a short period of time.
So lets check 1 long tail keyword phrases about what and how they can drive targeted visitors to your site. Webmasters with a focus on more than a dozen popular keywords can miss a very big chuck of traffic from ambiguous low competition phrases. Long tail keywords can search only a few times a month, but given these few hundred of these keywords, they can deliver a decent amount of highly targeted traffic. The main advantage of long tail keywords is that it is very easy to get high rankings for them. When you are just starting out it can be a great confidence booster to see before using some long tail keyword visitors can meet in visitors.
The long tail phrase is a very tight focus, which is more targeted than the highly popular keyword phrase, and usually changes better. For example the keyword "golf shoes" website specializing in golf shoes can bring in a number of thousands of visitors a day, but if someone is a typical and kind men for the air-class classic golf shoes "brand model Finding result there is a higher chance of sale as a result from search.
how to find low competition long tail keywords using free tools
The free Google External Keyword Tool, Wordtracker, Keyword Discovery, Keyword Analyzer, and Wordze are starting from a good place for the mainstream keyword research tool, but if you also find some other ways to find the long tail Search keywords for The keyword detective tool is definitely a must have tool. You can also try Google suggestions. This free Google tool tries to find what your search is for and gives you suggestions as autocomplete search box.To find long tail keywords and a great way to do site search query data is stored directly from your audience. A site search tool consists of a web form and all site URLs and a small database of your content. When the user saves the query in a type of program database in the query search box. This long tail keyword is a true gold mine of phrases coming directly from visitors to your website. We have been using zoom site indexing, a very inexpensive MS-based Windows based site and search tool indexing on our own site and many SEO customer sites, it works really well.
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